Abnormally low urine creatinine, and unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (urine albumin less than the lower limit)? (2024)



General Nephrology Questions

Friday, 01 March 2019

22 Replies

43.4K Visits


My recent random urine creatinine is 1.1 mmol/L (with a "low" flag on the report, reference 2.5-20.0 mmol/L) , urine albumin is <5 mg/L.
Report says "Unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio as the concentration of the Albumin is less than the lower limit...".

My serum creatinine is 59 umol/L, and eGFR is 110, and I am a 41 years old female.

I don't know what this low urine creatinine means? It seems to be abnormally low, I am so worried... Please help, thank you.

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UKidney Staff

5 years ago



Hi there,

There is no reason to be concerned. Your urine may have simply been dilute at the time. This is a normal test.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein


5 years ago



Hi, Dr. Jordan:

Thank you so much for your quick reply. Abnormally low urine creatinine, and unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (urine albumin less than the lower limit)? (4)

Since you said my urine might be dilute at the time, so, in my situation, my serum test values reflect more accurate for my kidney function this time, is that right?
And, do I need to repeat the Urine Albumin/Creatinine Ratio test after a while, or require a 24 hours urine test? If needed, how soon would you like to suggest?

Thank you very much for your time again.

My info:
random urine Creatinine : 1.1 mmol/L (reference 2.5-20.0 mmol/L) ;
urine Albumin : <5 mg/L (undetectable);
urine Protein: negative;
serum Creatinine: 59 umol/L (reference 50-100 umol/L);
eGFR: 110;
I am 41 years old, female.


UKidney Staff

5 years ago



The dilution will not impair the accuracy of the test and is why the albumin to creatinine ratio is so useful. And furthermore, no reason to suspect the blood test to be inaccurate. I generally would not suggest repeating normal tests Abnormally low urine creatinine, and unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (urine albumin less than the lower limit)? (7)

Dr. Jordan Weinstein


5 years ago



Thank you so much Dr. Jordan for your quick reply, and I am very happy to hear that all my results are normal. Abnormally low urine creatinine, and unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (urine albumin less than the lower limit)? (8)

Also, thank for this amazing website, it allows us to ask questions and receive prompt responses from real doctor. This is so useful and helpful!

Two thumbs up!!

Abnormally low urine creatinine, and unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (urine albumin less than the lower limit)? (9)


1 year ago



I have exactly the same situation with readings of Albumin <5 mg/L and Creatinine LO at 1.4 mmol/L. My family physician advised that it's a good thing the albumin is low which shows things are working fine. If she felt a repeat test to be necessary, she would have said so.

UKidney Staff selected the reply #2503 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago


1 year ago



This is a little different . Sorry if I'm in the wrong place. Yesterday I had a blood test. This morning I got the results from my online lab account.
eGFR was 82, and Creatinine was 64. I'm 75 yrs of age. The score range according to the lab for creatinine is 50-100 umol/L which is in the normal range and for eGFR 60-89, which says
"consistent with mildly decreased kidney function. However, in the absence of other evidence of kidney disease, eGFR values in this range do not fulfil the KD1GO criteria for chronic kidney disease" If there was an abnormal score in any test result, the lab would have it flagged in BOLD letters, but nothing was flagged in the results at all. I'm a little concerned here & would appreciate your advice. Thanks

UKidney Staff

1 year ago



Quoted from Guest on Thursday, 13 April 2023

This is a little different . Sorry if I'm in the wrong place. Yesterday I had a blood test. This morning I got the results from my online lab account.
eGFR was 82, and Creatinine was 64. I'm 75 yrs of age. The score range according to the lab for creatinine is 50-100 umol/L which is in the normal range and for eGFR 60-89, which says
"consistent with mildly decreased kidney function. However, in the absence of other evidence of kidney disease, eGFR values in this range do not fulfil the KD1GO criteria for chronic kidney disease" If there was an abnormal score in any test result, the lab would have it flagged in BOLD letters, but nothing was flagged in the results at all. I'm a little concerned here & would appreciate your advice. Thanks


If you do not have structural kidney disease (e.g. polycystic kidney disease seen), abnormal protein in the urine or suspicion of a systemic disease, then this lab fining is of no concern, especially if the value remains stable in this range.

I can only base my opinion on the information provided and your health-care provider might arrive at different conclusions once you have provided an entire history and had a physical examination performed. As always, this forum provides general medical information only and is limited to educational use only. Please discuss the above remarks with your health-care provider.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein


1 year ago



Thanks so much for your response. I do not have polycystic kidney disease. Actually, I had exactly the same result last July as the 1st writer on this blog. I'm with the understanding that
eGFR can decline with age. As mentioned my eGFR score on Wed. was 82, and the creatinine was 64 which was well within the range. I haven't heard back from my Dr., so I'm assuming
everything is ok. I looked back into some of my blood work papers & over 2yrs ago, I had an eGFR score of 81, but last year the score was over 90 again.
I'm mildly concerned, but not worried. Yes, there is absence of evidence of kidney disease which likely diminishes the concern of the eGFR score.
Any comment to this? Thanks in advance!!!

Quoted from Guest on Friday, 14 April 2023

Thanks so much for your response. I do not have polycystic kidney disease. Actually, I had exactly the same result last July as the 1st writer on this blog. I'm with the understanding that
eGFR can decline with age. As mentioned my eGFR score on Wed. was 82, and the creatinine was 64 which was well within the range. I haven't heard back from my Dr., so I'm assuming
everything is ok. I looked back into some of my blood work papers & over 2yrs ago, I had an eGFR score of 81, but last year the score was over 90 again.
I'm mildly concerned, but not worried. Yes, there is absence of evidence of kidney disease which likely diminishes the concern of the eGFR score.
Any comment to this? Thanks in advance!!!

From the information provided, these are normal results.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein


1 year ago



Sorry, forgot to add my urine is now foamy which I did not notice until 22 Aug 23 urine collection. Have not done a urine test in several yrs., but it was not foamy then, now it is.


1 year ago



eGFR 84
creatinine 25
urine albumin <0.2
albumin/creatinine ratio, random urine—unable to calculate

Just want to make sure I am not overlooking anything. Urine was very foamy 2 1/2 wks ago, considerably less so now.

I am 68 yr-old female.

UKidney Staff

1 year ago



Quoted from Guest on Saturday, 09 September 2023

eGFR 84
creatinine 25
urine albumin <0.2
albumin/creatinine ratio, random urine—unable to calculate

Just want to make sure I am not overlooking anything. Urine was very foamy 2 1/2 wks ago, considerably less so now.

I am 68 yr-old female.

This is a normal result (unmeasurably low albumin in urine)

Dr. Jordan Weinstein


1 year ago



Thank you Dr. Weinstein for the invaluable service you do!
With symptoms being subtle or even unnoticeable, one somehow wants to make sure one does not go from being 99% certain everything's O.K. to "you should've been more vigilant, now it's too late." Thank you for liberating me from the nagging fear that I might be in denial.


1 year ago



my urine albumin was <12 and my urine creat was low but all together I had urine alb/creat of 75 (not 30), is this concerning? im really worried

UKidney Staff

1 year ago



Quoted from Guest on Monday, 11 September 2023

my urine albumin was <12 and my urine creat was low but all together I had urine alb/creat of 75 (not 30), is this concerning? im really worried

Please post an image of the lab sheet with your result so we can see what units were used. Please remove any identifying data first.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein


1 year ago



ACR was measured in Mg/g, I don't have the lab sheet right now but basically the urine albumin was normal at <12 but his creat was low. This is in regards to my 65 year old father who has DM2. his GFR was >60 and his kidney function tests were normal. His DM is under well control with HGBA1C of 6.1% and fasting sugars 91. His NP said that its nothing to worry about but I am still a little worried.

Quoted from Jordan Weinstein on Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Quoted from Guest on Monday, 11 September 2023

my urine albumin was <12 and my urine creat was low but all together I had urine alb/creat of 75 (not 30), is this concerning? im really worried

Please post an image of the lab sheet with your result so we can see what units were used. Please remove any identifying data first.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein


1 year ago



the urine albumin was <12mg/g

UKidney Staff

1 year ago



Quoted from Guest on Tuesday, 12 September 2023

the urine albumin was <12mg/g

This is a normal result. More on this here:


Dr. Jordan Weinstein


1 year ago



So nothing to worry about with low urine creat and normal urine albumin even the the ACR was a little high at 75?

UKidney Staff

1 year ago



If the albumin to creatinine ratio is 12 mg/g then this is normal. If it is 70 mg/g then this is abnormal. You might be mistaking the albumin concentration for 70 (not the ratio). This is why I need to see the exact numbers with units in order to be sure.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein

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Abnormally low urine creatinine, and unable to calculate Albumin/Creatinine Ratio (urine albumin less than the lower limit)? (2024)


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